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Report No.

Effect of high temperature and humidity on dose dependence of charges generated in SiC MOSFETs due to $$gamma$$-ray irradiation

Takeyama, Akinori; Matsuda, Takuma*; Yokoseki, Takashi*; Mitomo, Satoshi*; Murata, Koichi*; Makino, Takahiro; Onoda, Shinobu; Okubo, Shuichi*; Tanaka, Yuki*; Kandori, Mikio*; Yoshie, Toru*; Oshima, Takeshi; Hijikata, Yasuto*

Effect of $$gamma$$-ray irradiation under high temperature and humidity circumstances on the electrical characteristics of Silicon Carbide (SiC) Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETs) was investigated. In the case of irradiation under high humidity circumstance, trapped oxide and interface charges densities generated due to irradiation were smaller than those for irradiation in dry circumstance. It is concluded that humidity circumstance suppressed the degradation of the electrical properties due to irradiation including threshold voltage shift and leakage current.



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