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The Study of the magnetization process of Fe film by magnetic Compton scattering and M$"o$ssbauer spectroscopy


安居院 あかね; 増田 亮*; 小林 康弘*; 加藤 忠*; 柄本 俊*; 鈴木 宏輔*; 櫻井 浩*

Agui, Akane; Masuda, Ryo*; Kobayashi, Yasuhiro*; Kato, Tadashi*; Emoto, Shun*; Suzuki, Kosuke*; Sakurai, Hiroshi*


We investigated the magnetization process of Fe (110) film using the field dependence of magnetic Compton scattering and M$"o$ssbauer spectroscopy. From the magnetic Compton profiles, the spin and orbital magnetic moment specific magnetization versus magnetizing field curves were obtained. From the M$"o$ssbauer spectra, the angles between the magnetizing field and the magnetic moment were obtained. It was found that the magnetizing field dependence of the ratio between orbital moment and spin moment was related to the angles between the magnetizing field and the magnetic moment. We indicate that the magnetic field dependence of the orbital magnetic moment plays a role in the magnetization process.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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