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Synthesized research report in the second mid-term research phase, Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory Project, Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory Project and Geo-stability Project (Translated document)

Hama, Katsuhiro ; Sasao, Eiji   ; Iwatsuki, Teruki  ; Onoe, Hironori ; Sato, Toshinori  ; Fujita, Tomoo ; Sasamoto, Hiroshi   ; Matsuoka, Toshiyuki; Takeda, Masaki ; Aoyagi, Kazuhei  ; Nakayama, Masashi ; Miyakawa, Kazuya   ; Oyama, Takuya ; Yasue, Kenichi; Asamori, Koichi; Niwa, Masakazu   ; Osawa, Hideaki  ; Ito, Hiroaki ; Nagae, Isako; Natsuyama, Ryoko; Semba, Takeshi ; Amano, Kenji  

We synthesized the research results from the Mizunami/Horonobe Underground Research Laboratories (URLs) and geo-stability projects in the second midterm research phase. This report can be used as a technical basis for the Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan/Regulator at each decision point from siting to beginning of disposal (Principal Investigation to Detailed Investigation Phase).



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