Decommissioning activities and R&D of nuclear facilities in the second midterm plan
照沼 章弘; 三村 竜二 ; 長島 久雄; 青柳 義孝; 廣川 勝規*; 打它 正人 ; 石森 有 ; 桑原 潤 ; 岡本 久人; 木村 泰久 ; 小泉 健治 ; 鈴木 一 ; 広瀬 秀幸; 臼井 秀雄; 窪田 晋太郎; 高橋 信雄; 森本 靖之
Terunuma, Akihiro; Mimura, Ryuji; Nagashima, Hisao; Aoyagi, Yoshitaka; Hirokawa, Katsunori*; Uta, Masato; Ishimori, Yuu; Kuwabara, Jun; Okamoto, Hisato; Kimura, Yasuhisa; Koizumi, Kenji; Suzuki, Hajime; Hirose, Hideyuki; Usui, Hideo; Kubota, Shintaro; Takahashi, Nobuo; Morimoto, Yasuyuki
Japan Atomic Energy Agency formulated the plan to achieve the medium-term target in the period of April 2010 to March 2015(hereinafter referred to as "the second medium-term plan"). JAEA determined the plan for the business operations of each year (hereinafter referred to as "the year plan"). This report is that the Sector of Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management has summarized the results of the decommissioning technology development and decommissioning of nuclear facilities which were carried out in the second medium-term plan.