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A Model of charmed baryon-nucleon potential and two- and three-body bound states with charmed baryon

Maeda, Saori*; Oka, Makoto   ; Yokota, Akira*; Hiyama, Emiko*; Liu, Y.-R.*

A potential model for the interaction between a charmed baryon ($$Lambda_c$$, $$Sigma_c$$, and $$Sigma^*_c$$) and the nucleon ($$N$$) is constructed. The model contains a long-range meson ($$pi$$ and $$sigma$$) exchange part and a short-distance quark exchange part. The quark cluster model is used to evaluate the short-range repulsion and a monopole type form factor is introduced to the long-range potential to reflect the extended structure of hadrons. We determine the cutoff parameters in the form factors by fitting the $$NN$$ scattering data with the same approach and we obtain four sets of parameters (a)-(d). The most attractive potential (d) leads to bound $$Lambda$$c$$N$$ states with $$J^pi = 0^+ $$and $$1^+$$ once the channel couplings among $$Lambda_c, Sigma_c$$ and $$Sigma^*_c$$ are taken into account. One can also investigate many-body problems with the model. Here, we construct an effective $$Lambda_cN$$ one-channel potential with the parameter set (d) and apply it to the 3-body $$Lambda_{cNN}$$ system. The bound states with $$J$$ = 1/2 and 3/2 are predicted.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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