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Report No.

Accumulation of cesium and its association with intracellular polyphosphate in ${it Deinococcus radiodurans}$

Ueda, Ryoshiro*; Sato, Katsuya; Hayashi, Hidenori*; Narumi, Issey*; Ono, Yutaka

It is suggesting a possibility that the polyphosphate granules in cells could accumulate harmful metal ions such as radiocesium to protect the cells from cytotoxicity. In this study, we investigated the accumulation of cesium and its association with intracellular polyphosphate in ${it Deinococcus radiodurans}$ using the gene disruptant and overexpressing strains. The cesium accumulation level in the disruptant and overexpressing strains was compared with that of the wild-type strain. The cesium accumulations in the ${it ppk}$ disruptant and overexpressing strains were slightly decreased and almost same, respectively. Like the intracellular polyphosphate level, the cesium accumulation level was significantly increased in the ${it ppx}$ disruptant strain. These results suggested that the intracellular polyphosphate level was positively correlated with the cesium accumulation level in ${it D. radiodurans}$.



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