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Report No.

Development of novel technique of negative C$$_{60}$$ ion production by electron attachment using cesium sputter ion source

Usui, Aya ; Chiba, Atsuya; Yamada, Keisuke

In the TIARA (Takasaki Ion Accelerators for Advanced Radiation Application), in order to propel the studies on the swift cluster ions, a novel technique was developed to increase the beam intensity of the fullerene ions which would have a considerably larger irradiation effect than any cluster ions. As a new method of negative ion production, the ionization mechanism by electron attachment was introduced as an alternative to the traditional method with the cesium sputtering to the existing cesium sputter type ion source (SNICS). In consequence, the intensity of the negative C$$_{60}$$ ion beam produced using an existing ion source with a novel technique was increased thousand times as high as those using the previous one for 12 hour operation. In this report, we describe the problems in the traditional ionization method and explain the production technique of the negative C$$_{60}$$ ions ionized via electron attachment process, which solves that only by the minor changes in SNICS.



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