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 年 ~ 

Long term behavior of hydrogeological structures associated with faulting; An Example from the deep crystalline rock in the Mizunami URL, Central Japan

深部結晶質岩における断層に関連した水理地質構造の長期変遷; 瑞浪超深地層研究所を例として

石橋 正祐紀; 吉田 英一*; 笹尾 英嗣   ; 湯口 貴史*

Ishibashi, Masayuki; Yoshida, Hidekazu*; Sasao, Eiji; Yuguchi, Takashi*


Damage zone (DS) formed by faulting in crystalline rocks can act as significant transport pathway. Therefore, this paper describes the features of WCFs and their long-term behavior associated with faulting based on the results of investigations at the GL -300m and -500m in the MIU. The results of detailed investigations in and around DZ indicate that there are three stages in the development of hydrogeological structures: 1st stage) the formation of background fractures; 2nd stage) the formation of a DZ and corresponding increase in the hydraulic permeability as a result of formation of small fractures; and 3rd stage) the formation of fracture fillings and the hydraulic permeability of the DZ decrease. In the late 3rd stage, unconsolidated clayey fillings formed associated with faulting resulting in decreased permeability of fractures in the DZ. These results underline the importance of understanding the development stages for evaluating the effect of faulting in orogenic belt plutons.



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分野:Engineering, Geological



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