Development of analytical model for condensation of vapor mixture of nitric acid and water affected volatilized ruthenium behavior in accident of evaporation to dryness by boiling of reprocessed high level liquid waste at fuel reprocessing facilities
Yoshida, Kazuo ![](/search/images/researchmap130.gif)
An accident of evaporation to dryness by boiling of high level liquid waste is postulated as one of the severe accidents. In this case, Ru volatilization increases in liquid waste temperature over 120 centigrade at later boiling and dry out phases. It has been observed at the experiments with actual and synthetic liquid waste that some amount of Ru volatilizes and transfers into condensed nitric acid solution at those phases. The nitric acid and water vapor from waste tank condenses at compartments of actual facilities building. The volatilized Ru could transfer into condensed liquid. It is key issues for quantifying the amount of transferred Ru through the facility building to simulate these thermodynamic and chemical behaviors. An analytical model has been proposed in this report based on the condensation mechanisms of nitric acid and water in vapor-liquid equilibria. It has been also carried out to review the thermodynamic properties of nitric acid solution.
- Registration No. : RS20160012
- JAEA Abstracts No. : 44001372
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