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Partitioning and transmutation by ADS

大井川 宏之 

Oigawa, Hiroyuki


An Accelerator-Driven System (ADS) is a hybrid nuclear system coupling a subcritical reactor consisting of minor actinide fuels with a spallation neutron source driven by a high-power proton accelerator, aiming at effective transmutation of MA contained in high-level radioactive wastes. An ADS with thermal power of 800MW can transmute MA produced in 10 light water reactors with electric power of 1GW. To realize ADS, we should solve various technical challenges such as a high-power accelerator, a spallation target, a subcritical reactor, recycle technology of MA fuel, and so on. JAEA is conducting research and development to solve these technical challenges with making use of international collaborations, and planning a new experimental program using J-PARC.



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