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Report No.

Feasibility study of Pu monitoring technology for Pu solution with FP; Optimization of $$gamma$$ rays measurement at the inside of the concrete cell

Suzuki, Satoshi; Sekine, Megumi ; Matsuki, Takuya ; Yamanaka, Atsushi ; Nakamura, Hironobu ; Tomikawa, Hirofumi

From a viewpoint of effective and efficient safeguards, JAEA has started to develop a new technology using non-destructive assay to measure and monitor Pu solution with fission products stored at reprocessing facility since JFY 2015. In JFY 2016, we are planning to measure $$gamma$$ rays and neutron emitted from high radioactive liquid waste (HALW) tank at the inside of the concrete cell and consider whether it has a relationship with Pu amount. In this poster presentation, the detector selection to measure high dose rate at the inside of the concrete cell, optimization of detector system by shielding material and measurement place to prevent high dead time, and the thruster optimization to insert using penetration pipe through the 1.7 m thickness concrete wall are presented as an evaluation of radiation from HALW at Tokai Reprocessing Facility. This project has been carried out under the support of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of the Japanese government.



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