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Numerical study of diluted magnetic semiconductors with narrow band gaps; Mn-doped BaZn$$_{2}$$As$$_{2}$$ and BaZn$$_{2}$$Sb$$_{2}$$


Gu, B.; 前川 禎通

Gu, B.; Maekawa, Sadamichi

After the discovery of ferromagnetism in (Ga,Mn)As, diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS) have received considerable attention owing to potential applications based on the use of both their charge and spin degrees of freedom in electronic devices. The highest Curie temperature of (Ga,Mn)As has been Tc = 190 K. Owing to simultaneous doping of charge and spin induced by Mn substitution, it is difficult to individually optimize charge and spin densities. To overcome these difficulties, here we propose a method to realize DMS with p- and n-type carriers by choosing host semiconductors with a narrow band gap. By employing a combination of the density function theory and quantum Monte Carlo simulation, we demonstrate such semiconductors using Mn-doped BaZn$$_{2}$$As$$_{2}$$, which has a band gap of 0.2 eV. In addition, we found a new non-toxic DMS Mn-doped BaZn$$_{2}$$Sb$$_{2}$$, of which the Curie temperature Tc is predicted to be higher than that of Mn-doped BaZn$$_{2}$$As$$_{2}$$, the Tc of which was up to 230 K in the recent experiment.



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