Numerical study on LBE flow behavior of the TEF-T LBE spallation target at JAEA
Wan, T.; 大林 寛生
; 佐々 敏信

Wan, T.; Obayashi, Hironari; Sasa, Toshinobu
To solve basic technique issues for the accelerator-driven system (ADS), Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) will construct the ADS Target Test Facility (TEF-T) within the framework of Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) project. A Lead-Bismuth Eutectic (LBE) spallation target with a Beam Window (BW) will be installed at TEF-T. LBE will be adopted as spallation material as well as coolant. For the TEF-T target, an annual channel was made between the outside LBE vessel and inner tube to flow the LBE. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analyses results showed that some stagnant regions exist at the center of BW and in the inner tube. Temperature in these regions are high and might deteriorate the soundness of target vessel. The purpose of this study is to optimize the LBE flow to decrease the temperature with the expectation that the safety margin of target can be improved in consequence. Efficient methods were developed to achieve this objective with minimizing the modification of target structure. Firstly, additional slits were made to flow LBE to reduce the stagnant region in the inner tube. Moreover, fin-type flow guides were added to reduce the stagnant region at the center of BW. As a result, the stagnant region in the inner tube was almost reduced and the stagnant region was moved away from the center of BW approximately 10 mm. Maximum temperature and thermal stress on the BW were consequently decreased.