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 年 ~ 

Implementation of decontamination technologies appropriate to Japanese boundary conditions


川瀬 啓一 

Kawase, Keiichi


Major challenges to implementing full-scale environmental decontamination were the absence of real-world examples and also lack of experience in planning and implementing decontamination technology appropriate to the physical and social boundary conditions in both Japan and Fukushima. The Japan Atomic Energy Agency was thus charged with conducting a range of Decontamination Pilot Project to examine the applicability of decontamination technologies, with a special focus on reducing dose rates and thus allowing evacuees to return to re-establish their normal lifestyles as quickly as possible, whilst simultaneously maintaining worker safety. In this report, re-edit the report of the Decontamination Pilot Project (Nakayama et al.,2014), do the commentary for the decontamination technology.



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