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Skew scattering from correlated systems; Impurities and collective excitations in the spin Hall effect

強相関系におけるスキュー散乱; スピンホール効果における不純物と集団励起

Ziman, T.*; Gu, B.; 前川 禎通

Ziman, T.*; Gu, B.; Maekawa, Sadamichi

We examine the enhancement of the spin Hall effect due to resonant skew scattering induced by electron correlations. For single-impurity scattering, local Coulomb correlations may significantly change the observed spin Hall angle. There may be additional effects because of the special atomic environment close to a surface: extra degeneracies compared to the bulk, enhanced correlations that move the relative $$d$$- or $$f$$-levels, and interference effects coming from the lower local dimension. Our results may explain the very large spin Hall angle observed in CuBi alloys. We discuss the impact on the spin Hall effect from cooperative effects, firstly in an itinerant ferromagnet where there is an anomaly near the Curie temperature originating from high-order spin fluctuations. The second case considered is a metallic spin glass, where exchange via slowly fluctuating magnetic moments may lead to the precession of an injected spin current.



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分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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