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Annual report of Engineering Services Department on JFY2015


Engineering Services Department

工務技術部は、原子力科学研究所及びJ-PARCの水, 電気, 蒸気, 排水等のユーティリティ施設、原子炉施設及び核燃料物質取扱施設内の特定施設(受変電設備, 非常用電源設備, 気体・液体廃棄設備, 圧縮空気設備)並びに一般施設内のユーティリティ設備の運転、保守管理を担っている。さらに、建物・設備の補修・改修工事及び点検・整備業務、電子装置及び機械装置の工作業務を行ってきた。本報告書は、平成27年度の工務技術部の業務実績の概要と、主な管理データ、技術開発の概要を記録したものであり、今後の業務の推進に役立てられることを期待する。

The Engineering Services Department is in charge of operation and maintenance of utility facilities (water distribution systems, electricity supply systems, steam generation systems and drain water systems etc.) in whole of the institute. And also is in charge of operation and maintenance of specific systems (a receive transmitted electricity system, an emergency electric power supply system, an air/liquid waste treatment system, a compressed air supply system) in nuclear reactor facilities, nuclear fuel treatment facilities and usual facilities or buildings. In addition, the department is in charge of maintenance of buildings, design and repair of electrical/mechanical equipments. This annual report describes summary of activities, operation and maintenance data and technical developments of the department carried out in JFY 2015. We hope that this report may help future work.



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