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Development of prototype reactor maintenance, 1; Application to piping system of sodium-cooled reactor prototype

研究開発段階炉の保全の開発,1; ナトリウム冷却炉の配管システムへの適用

小竹 庄司*; 近澤 佳隆  ; 高屋 茂  ; 大高 雅彦; 久保 重信 ; 荒井 眞伸 ; 桾木 孝介; 伊藤 隆哉*; 山口 彰*

Kotake, Shoji*; Chikazawa, Yoshitaka; Takaya, Shigeru; Otaka, Masahiko; Kubo, Shigenobu; Arai, Masanobu; Kunogi, Kosuke; Ito, Takaya*; Yamaguchi, Akira*


A maintenance management required to prototype nuclear power reactors is proposed. Monitoring and control of sodium impurity and thermal transient are extremely important for sodium boundary maintenance for sodium-cooled fast reactors. At the fast stage of the prototype reactor Monju operation, degradation mechanism on the piping should be demonstrated based on operation experiences. Therefore inspection on a representative position for crack indication and pipe thickness is proposed. Due to less experience of SFR plants, early detection of boundary failure is considered. For a matured operation stage, when degradation mechanism is well demonstrated based on inspection data, inspection cycle could be extended. And for commercial reactors, maintenance without inspection will be established based on accumulated operation experiences including those of the prototype reactor Monju.



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