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 年 ~ 

Feasibility studies of high intensity heavy-ion beam acceleration in J-PARC


Saha, P. K.   ; 原田 寛之  ; 山本 昌亘   ; 金正 倫計  

Saha, P. K.; Harada, Hiroyuki; Yamamoto, Masanobu; Kinsho, Michikazu

In order to study extremely high density QCD matter as well as to explore higher order (S=-3) and multi-strangeness hypernuclear systems, we have carried out feasibility studies of high intensity heavy-ion (HI) beam acceleration in J-PARC. We will utilize existing 3-GeV RCS and the MR to adapt the HI program, but without intercepting any existing or planned programs that make use of proton beam. The stabilization of the RCS at the designed 1 MW proton beam power and also up to the planned 1.5 MW upgrade are studied first and those parameters are directly used for the HI case. We obtained that the advantages of utilizing the RCS and the MR are not only to extremely reduce the budget but also to realize world highest intensity HI beam of more than 1E11/see. We consider various ion species up to U$$^{92+}$$ with final beam energy of 1-20 AGeV in the MR. RCS stabilization at high intensity proton beam and the progress on the feasibility studies of HI beam acceleration in J-PARC are presented.



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