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Report No.

Backfilling test in drilling pits as part of Groundwater REcovery Experiment in Tunnel (GREET) Project

Takayasu, Kentaro; Onuki, Kenji*; Kawamoto, Koji*; Takayama, Yusuke  ; Mikake, Shinichiro ; Sato, Toshinori  ; Onoe, Hironori ; Takeuchi, Ryuji  

The Groundwater REcovery Experiment in Tunnel (GREET) was put into effect as development of drift backfilling technologies. This test was conducted by making the Closure Test Drift (CTD) recovered with water after carrying out a plug around 40m distance from northern edge face of horizontal tunnel of depth 500m, for the purpose of investigation of recovering process of rock mass and groundwater under the influence of excavation of tunnel. This report presents the efforts of backfilling investigation using bentonite composite soil and execution of backfilling into borehole pits excavated in the CTD which were carried out in fiscal 2014 as a part of GREET, and succeeding observation results inside pits from September 2014 to March 2016.



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