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Report No.

Retention of uranium in cement systems; Effects of cement degradation and complexing ligands

Ochs, M.*; Vriens, B.*; Tachi, Yukio  

The clean-up activities related to the accident at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant give rise to several types of wastes containing cementitious materials, such as concrete. Further, the use of cement-based barriers may be considered, due to their favorable and stable chemical properties, including their ability to sorb or incorporate radionuclides. Wastes from Fukushima are expected to contain substances that can have perturbing effects on retention, especially organic complexing substances, boron, and chloride salts. The present study focuses on a methodology for quantifying the retention behaviour of UVI) and U(IV) in cement materials of different degradation and in the presence of organics, boron, and salts on the basis of available literature information. A stepwise approach is proposed and illustrated for Kd setting for U(VI) and U(IV).



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