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Report No.

Experimental study on behaviours of two-ply bellows subjected to pressure and displacement loads

Tsukimori, Kazuyuki; Ando, Masanori ; Yada, Hiroki ; Ichimiya, Masakazu*; Anoda, Yoshinari*; Arakawa, Manabu*

The analytical treatment of Multi-ply bellows behaviours is difficult compared with that of single-ply bellows, since the uncertainty of friction between plies exists. In this study verification was conducted based on experiments by comparing between two-ply and single-ply bellows test results. Following results were obtained. The spring rate of two-ply bellows is approximately twice of that of single-ply bellows, even if internal pressure is loaded. Typical buckling behaviour of bellows, in-plane squirm, was observed in both cases of two-ply and single-ply bellows. The deformation patterns were similar with each other, but the pressure levels of two-ply bellows were approximately twice of those of single-ply bellows. These means the friction force can be ignored practically. As the conclusion, two-ply bellows analyses can be replaced by the analyses of single-ply bellows model with half pressure load and the effort of numerical analysis can be reduced.



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