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Hydrogen production tests by hydrogen iodide decomposition membrane reactor equipped with silica-based ceramics membrane

Myagmarjav, O.  ; Tanaka, Nobuyuki ; Nomura, Mikihiro*; Kubo, Shinji  

The catalytic decomposition of hydrogen iodide in a membrane reactor using silica membranes derived from hexyltrimethoxysilane (HTMOS) was investigated for the production of hydrogen in the thermochemical water splitting iodine-sulfur process. The silica membranes were prepared by counter-diffusion chemical vapor deposition using porous alumina support tubes in both the absence and presence of a $$gamma$$-alumina layer. The silica membranes formed on $$gamma$$-alumina-coated $$alpha$$-alumina tubes displayed a higher H$$_{2}$$ permeance than that formed directly on an $$alpha$$-alumina tube. A silica membrane based on a 1.5 $$mu$$m-thick $$gamma$$-alumina layer fabricated under deposition conditions of 450$$^{circ}$$C, 1200 s, and a N$$_{2}$$ carrier gas velocity of 0.044 m s$$^{-1}$$ exhibited a high H$$_{2}$$ permeance of 9.4 $$times$$ 10$$^{-7}$$ mol Pa$$^{-1}$$ m$$^{-2}$$ s$$^{-1}$$ while maintaining an H$$_{2}$$/N$$_{2}$$ selectivity of over 80.0. The performance of a membrane reactor based on an HTMOS-derived silica membrane was evaluated at 400$$^{circ}$$C by measuring the HI conversion and H$$_{2}$$ flow rates. The conversion was approximately 0.48 when the HI flow rate was 9.7 mL min$$^{-1}$$.



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Category:Chemistry, Physical



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