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Geopolymers and their potential applications in the nuclear waste management field; A Bibliographical study

ジオポリマーとその核廃棄物管理分野での適用可能性について; 文献調査

Cantarel, V.   ; 本岡 隆文; 山岸 功 

Cantarel, V.; Motooka, Takafumi; Yamagishi, Isao


After a necessary decay time, the zeolites used for the water decontamination will eventually be conditioned for their long-term storage. Geopolymer is considered as a potential matrix to manage radioactive cesium and strontium containing waste. For such applications, a correct comprehension of the binder structure, its macroscopic properties, its interactions with the waste and the physico-chemical phenomena occurring in the waste form is needed to be able to judge of the soundness and viability of the material. Although the geopolymer is a young binder, a lot of research has been carried out over the last fifty years and our understanding of this matrix and its potential applications is progressing fast. This review aims at gathering the actual knowledge on geopolymer studies about geopolymer composites, geopolymer as a confinement matrix for nuclear wastes and geopolymer under irradiation. This information will finally provide guidance for the future studies and experiments.



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