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Numerical analysis of EBR-II shutdown heat removal test-17 using 1D plant dynamic analysis code coupled with 3D CFD code


堂田 哲広  ; 檜山 智之 ; 田中 正暁  ; 大島 宏之; Thomas, J.*; Vilim, R. B.*

Doda, Norihiro; Hiyama, Tomoyuki; Tanaka, Masaaki; Ohshima, Hiroyuki; Thomas, J.*; Vilim, R. B.*


In sodium-cooled fast reactors, a natural circulation is expected to remove the core decay heat when the plant gets into a station blackout. From a perspective of reactor safety, the core hot spot temperature arising in the natural circulation should be evaluated accurately. To this end, Japan Atomic Energy Agency is trying to couple a 1-D plant dynamics analysis code Super-COPD and a 3-D CFD code AQUA to solve the thermal-hydraulic field in the whole plant under natural circulation condition. As a validation study, the coupled code was applied to an analysis of EBR-II shutdown heat removal test. The obtained numerical results reasonably agreed with the measured data, which demonstrated the validity of the coupled code.



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