RANS analysis with a dynamic model for turbulent Schmidt number (
) on density stratification erosion in a small rectangular vessel
安部 諭
; Studer, E.*; 石垣 将宏
; 柴本 泰照
; 与能本 泰介 
Abe, Satoshi; Studer, E.*; Ishigaki, Masahiro; Shibamoto, Yasuteru; Yonomoto, Taisuke
Density stratification and its break-up are important phenomena for discussing the containment hydrogen behavior. Turbulence transport phenomenon is one of the important factor in the stratification erosion behavior. A small scale test is a useful approach to develop a physical model for the stratification erosion because of easiness for detailed measurement. Thus, small scale experiments have been carried out in our research project named "ROSA-SA". A rectangular vessel apparatus named VIMES (VIsualization and MEasurement system on Stratification behavior) is one of such facilities, which has a vessel made of acrylic plates for visualizing flow field with the PIV measurement, whose volume is 4.05m
1.8m(H)). In this paper, we focus on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis on a density stratification erosion with a vertical buoyant jet observed in the VIMES experiments. Comparative study between Large-eddy simulation (LES) and Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) are also performed to validate the dynamic turbulence Schmidt number (
) formulation. The results have indicated that the dynamic Sct model is advantageous to predict the observed stratification erosion behavior. This research is a collaboration activity between CEA and JAEA.