東海再処理施設における低放射性廃液の処理技術開発,17; 実規模混練による炭酸塩廃液のセメント固化の検討
Development of treatment for low radioactive effluent in Tokai Reprocessing Plant, 17; Study on cement based encapsulation of sodium carbonate liquid waste by full-scale mixing
松島 怜達 ; 佐藤 史紀 ; 齋藤 恭央 ; 新 大軌*
Matsushima, Ryotatsu; Sato, Fuminori; Saito, Yasuo; Atarashi, Daiki*
The Low Radioactive Waste Treatment Technology Development Facility (LWTF) of the Tokai Reprocessing Facility was constructed as a facility for processing low radioactive liquid waste and solid waste generated from the reprocessing facility, and cold tests are being conducted. In this facility, nitrate waste liquor generated with the treatment of liquid waste was made solidified by using borate, but now it is planned to replace it with carbonate waste liquid and then to make cement solidified body. It is studying and designing for equipment introduction. In this report, we investigated the influence of strength and waste composition on change of cement solidified body over time by carrying out cement kneading / solidification test on this carbonate waste liquid on a real scale (200 L drum) will be reported.