The Initiative towards construction of Knowledge Management System in FUGEN Decommissioning Engineering Center
手塚 将志 ; 樽田 泰宜 ; 香田 有哉
Tezuka, Masashi; Taruta, Yasuyoshi; Koda, Yuya
Implementation of decommissioning needs much plant information in period of Design, construction and operation. In addition, it is essential for efficient dismantling works to advance the technologies, data, lessons and learns, experiences and documents by getting through the decommissioning process. On the other hands, as workers who operated or maintained the plant are aging and retiring, their empirical knowledge has been lost. For the purpose of safety and reasonability of further decommissioning activities, Knowledge Management System (KMS) has been producing in FUGEN which is now under decommissioning. KMS is an initiative of human resources development and to pass on expertise and knowledge to the younger generations. The system based on the prototype of FUGEN aims a high versatility system available for further decommissioning facilities.