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 年 ~ 


Implementation of tetrahedral geometry in PHITS

古田 琢哉   

Furuta, Takuya


It was difficult to construct complex three-dimensional (3D) geometries with original version of PHITS because 3D geometries in PHITS are defined by combinations of objects enclosed by simple surfaces planes, spheres, cylinders and so on. Useful software to construct 3D geometries interactively exists on the market and there are many requests from users to use such softwares in PHITS. We thus introduce a function to treat tetrahedral-mesh geometries, which is a type of polygon-mesh geometries, in PHITS. Being one of the simplest, the tetrahedral-mesh geometry is sufficiently flexible to construct complex geometries. Designing with CAD software is also possible with format conversions. In addition, we have introduced a function to create decomposition maps of tetrahedral-mesh objects at the initial process so that the computational time for transport process can be reduced. Owing to this function, transport calculation in tetrahedral-mesh geometry can be as fast as that for the geometry in voxel-mesh with the same number of meshes.



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