Experimental application of ultrasonic flowmeter for TEF-T LBE spallation target system
大林 寛生
; 平林 勝; Wan, T.; 佐々 敏信

Obayashi, Hironari; Hirabayashi, Masaru; Wan, T.; Sasa, Toshinobu
JAEA has been performing various R&Ds for ADS as a dedicated system for the transmutation of long-lived radioactive nuclides such as MA. The ADS utilizes the lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) alloy as a spallation target material and a coolant. JAEA planning a construction of ADS target test Facility (TEF-T) under the framework of J-PARC project as a preliminary phase before the construction of demonstrative ADS. A major role of TEF-T is to acquire the irradiation data of candidate structural materials by using LBE spallation target system. The flow-monitoring device is one of the indispensable components to assure the safety of target system and to maintain the material irradiation condition. LBE is obviously opaque heavy liquid metal, and it is used in a high temperature condition. The goal of this study is to develop a durable and a reliable flowmeter for LBE spallation target system. To measure the flowing velocity in high temperature liquid metal, JAEA has been developed a flow-monitoring device by using ultrasonic. At first, we assessed several requirements for developed device by thermal-fluid and structural analysis. To overcome these requirement, we developed the plug immersion type of ultrasonic flowmeter. As a result of application test, it was successfully confirmed usefulness of the developed ultrasonic flowmeter under demonstration condition of TEF-T environment.