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Magnetic and crystal structures of Ba$$_{3}$$Co$$_{1-x}$$Ca$$_{x}$$Ru$$_{2}$$O$$_{9}$$

Horie, Akihiro*; Yasui, Yukio*; Igarashi, Taichi*; Yatagai, Ryo*; Yamamoto, Takafumi*; Terasaki, Ichiro*; Matsukawa, Takeshi*; Hoshikawa, Akinori*; Ishigaki, Toru*; Igawa, Naoki   

The magnetic and crystal structures, and magnetic properties of Ba$$_{3}$$Co$$_{1-x}$$Ca$$_{x}$$Ru$$_{2}$$O$$_{9}$$ have been studied by using the neutron powder diffraction and the magnetization analysis. With increasing ${it x}$, an antiferromagnetic transition temperature $$T_mathrm{N}$$ decreases such as $$T_mathrm{N}$$ = 88 K (${it x}$=0.1), 82 K (${it x}$=0.2), and 76 K (${it x}$=0.3), respectively. We have observed magnetic reflections, which can not be explained by the collinear structure. Though the lattice volume increases, we have found that a Ru-Ru bond length decreases with increasing ${it x}$. It is considered to be related with the Ru-Ru dimerization. By the combined studies of the magnetic properties and neutron diffraction analysis, we will discuss the change of Ru$$^{5+}$$-spins with varying ${it x}$.



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