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Report No.

Comparison of solid-water partitions of radiocesium in river waters in Fukushima and Chernobyl Areas

Takahashi, Yoshio*; Fan, Q.*; Suga, Hiroki*; Tanaka, Kazuya  ; Sakaguchi, Aya*; Takeichi, Yasuo*; Ono, Kanta*; Mase, Kazuhiko*; Kato, Kenji*; Kanivets, V. V.*

We focused on factors controlling partition of radiocesium on particulate matters and sediments in rivers of Fukushima and Chernobyl. Radiocesium is more soluble in the Pripyat River (Chernobyl) due to weaker interaction of radiocesium with clay minerals caused by the inhibition effect of the adsorbed humic substances. In contrast, particulate matters and sediments in the Kuchibuto River (Fukushima) display high adsorption affinity with lesser inhibition effect of adsorbed humic substances. This difference is possibly governed by the geology and soil type of provenances surrounding both catchments.



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Category:Multidisciplinary Sciences



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