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Video bio-logging for behavior analysis of medaka in a group

松田 朝陽*; 高橋 悟*; 川端 邦明   ; 尾田 正二*; 金子 俊一*

Matsuda, Asahi*; Takahashi, Satoru*; Kawabata, Kuniaki; Oda, Shoji*; Kaneko, Shunichi*


Medaka (Oryzias latipes) has genetic diversity, and analyzing its behavior in a group is very important for elucidation of diversity of organisms. However, conventional method of visual measurement has some problems. For example, the time cost and human error. In this paper, we proposed a method of behavior measurement of medaka in a group based on an image instrumentation. Our proposed method consists of four processes: pre-processing, particle filter, orientation code matching using by central differences with multi-templates, and detection of target position. Finally, we examined the effectiveness of our proposed method through an experimentation.



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