Pipe cutting method at high radiation area in FUGEN
瀧谷 啓晃
; 石山 正弘; 手塚 将志
; 北山 尚樹
Takiya, Hiroaki; Ishiyama, Masahiro; Tezuka, Masashi; Kitayama, Naoki
In FUGEN, we had isolated the reactor core by cutting pipes of the periphery systems (e.g. reactor cooling system, heavy water system, and helium system) between 2015 and 2017, as preparation for dismantling the reactor core and taking some samples from the reactor core structures. There are three issues to be solved at this isolation work; (1) to shorten the working time at high radiation area which is 1-5mSv/h at air and 10mSv/h at contact, (2) to prevent tritium spreading to working area at cutting work because tritium air is existing with 20-30Bq/cm
inside of the heavy water system and helium system, and (3) to minimize the influence of contaminated fume for the accurate radioactivity evaluation of reactor core structure. In this study, considering these problems, we discussed the method for cutting the pipes of heavy water system and helium system at the high radiation area and carried out the pipe cutting in the way.