Annual report for FY2016 on the activities of Naraha Center for Remote Control Technology Development (April 1, 2016 - March 31, 2017)
福島研究開発部門 福島研究開発拠点 楢葉遠隔技術開発センター
Naraha Center for Remote Control Technology Development, Fukushima Research Insitute
The Naraha Remote Technology Development Center (Naraha Center) consists of a mock-up test building and a research management building, and various test facilities necessary for the decommissioning work after the accident of TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station are installed. Using these test facilities, a wide range of users, such as companies engaged in decommissioning work, research and development institutions, educational institutions, etc., can efficiently develop robots through characterization and performance evaluation of remote-controlled robots. Furthermore, it is possible to make various uses such as exhibitions that many companies have met together, experts' meetings on decommissioning. This report summarizes the activities of the Naraha Center such as development of remote control technologies, maintenance and training of remote control equipment for emergency response, use of component test areas, and so on in FY2016.