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Report No.

Atomically dispersed Pt on the surface of Ni particles; Synthesis and catalytic function in hydrogen generation from aqueous ammonia-borane

Li, Z.*; He, T.*; Matsumura, Daiju   ; Miao, S.*; Wu, A.*; Liu, L.*; Wu, G.*; Chen, P.*

We report herein that the single-atom alloy (SAA) made of atomically dispersed Pt on the surface of Ni particles (Pt is surrounded by Ni atoms) exhibits improved catalytic activity on the hydrolytic dehydrogenation of ammonia-borane, a promising hydrogen storage method for onboard applications. Specifically, an addition of 160 ppm of Pt leads to ca. 3-fold activity improvement in comparison to that of pristine Ni/CNT catalyst. The turnover frequency based on the isolated Pt is 12000 mol$$_{rm{H}2}$$ mol$$_{rm{Pt}}$$$$^{-1}$$ min$$^{-1}$$, which is about 21 times the value of the best Pt-based catalyst ever reported. Our simulation results indicate that the high activity achieved stems from the synergistic effect between Pt and Ni, where the negatively charged Pt (Pt$$^{delta -}$$) and positively charged Ni (Ni$$^{delta +}$$) in the Pt-Ni alloy are prone to interact with H and OH of H$$_{2}$$O molecules, respectively, leading to an energetically favorable reaction pathway.



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Category:Chemistry, Physical



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