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An AMR framework for realizing effective high-resolution simulations on multiple GPUs


下川辺 隆史*; 青木 尊之*; 小野寺 直幸   

Shimokawabe, Takashi*; Aoki, Takayuki*; Onodera, Naoyuki


Recently grid-based physical simulations with multiple GPUs require effective methods to adapt grid resolution to certain sensitive regions of simulations. In the GPU computation, an adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) method is one of the effective methods to compute certain local regions that demand higher accuracy with higher resolution. The AMR method on the GPU supercomputers is, however, complicated and it is necessary to apply various optimizations suitable for the GPU supercomputers in order to obtain high performance. To develop the applications using the AMR method on the GPU supercomputers effectively, we are developing a block-based AMR framework for grid-based applications written in C++ and CUDA. Programmers just write the stencil functions that update a grid point on Cartesian grid.



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