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Report No.

Development of a design support system for geological disposal of radioactive waste using a CIM concept

Sugita, Yutaka ; Kageyama, Takeshi*; Makino, Hitoshi ; Shimbo, Hiroshi*; Hane, Koji*; Kobayashi, Yuichi*; Fujisawa, Yasuo*; Makanae, Koji*; Yabuki, Nobuyoshi*

This paper presents status of development of the iSRE (integrated system for repository engineering) as a design supporting system that enables rational designing of a geological disposal repository. The complimentary technique of construction information modeling/management (CIM) has been employed for the development of iSRE. CIM uses a shared three dimensional (3D) model of associated data through common data models. In this paper, as a design support system that conforms to the characteristics of information management about engineering technology represented by repetition of design during the disposal project period, we examined and designed the function of the "iSRE", constructed a prototype, and confirmed the function through a trial simulating actual work in the disposal project. As a result, with respect to the functions of DB and IF of the iSRE, we got a prospect that these functions can be the foundation of information management on engineering technology, and development of the prototype of the iSRE and its test run extracted issues for practical use of such system.



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