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 年 ~ 

Preheat effect on titanium plate fabricated by sputter-free selective laser melting in vacuum


佐藤 雄二*; 塚本 雅裕*; 菖蒲 敬久  ; 山下 順広*; 山縣 秀人*; 西 貴哉*; 東野 律子*; 大久保 友政*; 中野 人志*; 阿部 信行*

Sato, Yuji*; Tsukamoto, Masahiro*; Shobu, Takahisa; Yamashita, Yoshihiro*; Yamagata, Shuto*; Nishi, Takaya*; Higashino, Ritsuko*; Okubo, Tomomasa*; Nakano, Hitoshi*; Abe, Nobuyuki*


The dynamics of titanium (Ti) melted by laser irradiation was investigated in a synchrotron radiation experiment. As an indicator of wettability, the contact angle between a selective laser melting (SLM) baseplate and the molten Ti was measured by synchrotron X-rays at 30 keV during laser irradiation. As the baseplate temperature increased, the contact angle decreased, down to 28 degrees at a baseplate temperature of 500$$^{circ}$$C. Based on this result, the influence of wettability of a Ti plate fabricated by SLM in a vacuum was investigated. It was revealed that the improvement of wettability by preheating suppressed sputtering generation, and a surface having a small surface roughness was fabricated by SLM in a vacuum.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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