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Report No.

Excellent feature of Japanese HTGR technologies

Nishihara, Tetsuo ; Yan, X. ; Tachibana, Yukio ; Shibata, Taiju ; Ohashi, Hirofumi ; Kubo, Shinji  ; Inaba, Yoshitomo  ; Nakagawa, Shigeaki  ; Goto, Minoru  ; Ueta, Shohei   ; Hirota, Noriaki   ; Inagaki, Yoshiyuki; Iigaki, Kazuhiko ; Hamamoto, Shimpei  ; Kunitomi, Kazuhiko 

Research and development on High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) in Japan started since late 1960s. Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) in cooperation with Japanese industries has researched and developed system design, fuel, graphite, metallic material, reactor engineering, high temperature components, high temperature irradiation and post irradiation test of fuel and graphite, high temperature heat application and so on. Construction of the first Japanese HTGR, High Temperature engineering Test Reactor (HTTR), started in 1990. HTTR achieved first criticality in 1998. After that, various test operations have been carried out to establish the Japanese HTGR technologies and to verify the inherent safety features of HTGR. This report presents several system design of HTGR, the world-highest-level Japanese HTGR technologies, JAEA's knowledge obtained from construction, operation and management of HTTR and heat application technologies for HTGR.



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