※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

各種環境での電気化学測定; 原子力II(地層処分)深部地下環境における炭素鋼の腐食モニタリング

Electrochemical measurements in various environments; Corrosion monitoring of carbon steel in deep underground environment

谷口 直樹 ; 中山 雅 

Taniguchi, Naoki; Nakayama, Masashi


This article describes the current status of corrosion monitoring methods and examples of the measurement under deep underground environments for carbon steel overpacks for high-level radioactive waste disposal. Based on the studies on corrosion monitoring using AC Impedance technique, some of the typical measurement systems such as the electrodes arrangement are introduced. In-situ corrosion monitoring in engineering scale test is also being attempted using a deep underground research facility, and the measurement method and results are presented in this article.



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