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Discussion of effective insider threat mitigation method at reprocessing plant


中村 仁宣 ; 北尾 貴彦 ; 山田 博之; 河野 壮馬  ; 木村 隆志 ; 田崎 隆

Nakamura, Hironobu; Kitao, Takahiko; Yamada, Hiroyuki; Kono, Soma; Kimura, Takashi; Tasaki, Takashi

To reduce security risks by outsider and insider, JAEA is on-going to raise the security level in accordance with the Japanese domestic regulation for reprocessing plant and through constant voluntary improvements. In the reprocessing plant, since a large amount and several types of nuclear material (NM) are handled, the effective physical protection measures have to be considered them for the unauthorized removal and sabotage appropriately. For the insider, since effective and timely detection manner is applied to a part of inner areas and it seems to be very difficult to doubt our employee at the viewpoint of common sense, we are thinking that applying several effective physical protection measures comprehensively as one of rules are very effective. In Tokai Reprocessing Plant, to reduce insider risks, implementation of many security culture efforts for employee and executive managers, implementation of trustworthiness program including observation of acting, implementation of surveillance to inner area, etc. by camera, access control, introduction of two person rule and implementation of planned education and training, etc. are being conducted. By engaging those measures, we believe that the security risks by insider can be minimized. In this paper, we introduce our insider mitigation methods and discuss their effectiveness and best approach for enhancing the security in the reprocessing plant.



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