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日本原子力学会「2018年春の年会」部会・連絡会セッション,核データ部会「シグマ」特別専門委員会共催; 我が国における核データ計算コード開発の現状と将来ビジョン,2; 核反応モデルコードCCONEの進展

2018 Annual Meeting of Japan Atomic Energy Society, Session of Subcommittees and Liaison Meetings, Nuclear Subcommittee [co-sponsor of Sigma Advisory Committee], Present status and future of nuclear data evaluation code in Japan, 2; Progress of a nuclear model code CCONE

岩本 修  

Iwamoto, Osamu


Progress of the nuclear reaction model code CCONE is shown based on the presentation at the session titled "Present status and future of nuclear data evaluation code in Japan" at the session of Nuclear Data subcommittee at 2018 Annual Meeting of Japan Atomic Energy Society. The CCONE code is developed for the nuclear data evaluation calculation for JENDL. It was applied to the nuclear data evaluation for actinides at first, and extension for the higher energies reactions was performed. At present it is applied to various data evaluations such as photonuclear reaction and decay data.



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