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Report No.

Operation status of the J-PARC H$$^{-}$$ ion source

Okoshi, Kiyonori ; Shinto, Katsuhiro   ; Nammo, Kesao*; Shibata, Takanori*; Ikegami, Kiyoshi*; Takagi, Akira*; Ueno, Akira  ; Namekawa, Yuya*; Oguri, Hidetomo  

In 2017-2018 campaign, three times of long-time operation more than 2,000 hours of the J-PARC rf-driven negative hydrogen (H$$^{-}$$) ion source producing H$$^{-}$$ beam with the beam current of 47 mA were successfully achieved without any serious problems. At the final day of this campaign, the ion source produced an H$$^{-}$$ beam with the current of 72 mA in order to demonstrate the beam current of 60 mA at the linac exit. We are also conducting an endurance test of a J-PARC-made antenna at a test bench. Approximately 1,400-hour operation with the antenna was successfully performed.



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