Analyses of LSTF experiment and PWR plant for 5% cold-leg break loss of coolant accident
渡辺 正*; 石垣 将宏*
; 勝山 仁哉
Watanabe, Tadashi*; Ishigaki, Masahiro*; Katsuyama, Jinya
The analyses of LSTF experiment and PWR plant for 5% cold-leg break LOCA are performed using the RELAP5/MOD3.3 code. The discharge coefficient of critical flow model is determined so as to obtain the agreement of pressure transient between the LSTF experiment and the experimental analysis, and used for the PWR analysis. The characteristics of thermal-hydraulic phenomena in the experiment are shown to be simulated well by the two analyses. The decrease in core differential pressure during the loop-seal clearing is, however, underestimated by the two analyses, and the core heat up is not predicted. The loop flow rates are also underestimated by the two analyses. Although the duration of core heat up during the boil-off period is longer in the experimental analysis, the results of two analyses agree well, and the effect of scaling is found to be small between the experimental analysis and the PWR analysis.