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Report No.

Analysis of interlocked events based on beam instrumentation data at J-PARC Linac and RCS

Hayashi, Naoki  ; Hatakeyama, Shuichiro; Miura, Akihiko ; Yoshimoto, Masahiro  ; Futatsukawa, Kenta*; Miyao, Tomoaki*

J-PARC is a multi-purpose facility. Accelerator stability is the one of important issues for users of this facility. To realize stable operation, we must collect data on interlocked events and analyze these data to determine the reasons for the occurrence of such events. In J-PARC Linac, data of interlocked events have been recorded using several some beam loss monitors and current monitors, and these data have been are analyzed and classified. In J-PARC RCS, new instrumentation is being introduced to obtain beam position. We discuss the present status and future plans related to this subject.



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