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 年 ~ 

Effects of propane addition on the instability of lean hydrogen-air premixed flames


Thwe Thwe, A.  ; 日野 竜太郎; 門脇 敏*

Thwe Thwe, A.; Hino, Ryutaro; Kadowaki, Satoshi*

The effects of propane addition on the instability of lean hydrogen-air premixed flames were investigated experimentally. Flat burner of 60mm in diameter was used. Propane in fuel-air mixture was chosen as 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20%, the flow rate of premixture was set to 15L/min, and the equivalence ratio was set to 0.2 through 1.0. The experiments were carried out under the room temperature and atmospheric pressure. When the concentration of propane in fuel mixture was increased, lower lean flammable limit increased, cellular flame range decreased and planar flame range increased. When the equivalence ratio increased, cell width decreased, combination of cells appeared and cellular flame became flat at each case owing to the decrease of diffusive-thermal effect. The fluctuation of the light emission intensity became weaker and the torus shape of attractor became clear as the addition of propane suppressed the instability of the flame.



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