Problems of TENDL-2015 official ACE files
今野 力
; 権 セロム*
Konno, Chikara; Kwon, Saerom*
TENDL (TALYS-based Evaluated Nuclear Data Library) has been used as a standard nuclear data library worldwide, particularly in Europe. Since 2016 we also have used the official ACE files of TENDL-2015 for our study, where we found two problems. (1) There are no probability table data in the neutron sub-library ACE files of most of the nuclei with unresolved resonance data. Calculated results are not correct in the case that the self-shielding effect in the unresolved resonance region is large. (2) There are no secondary gamma data in a lot of the ACE files not only of the neutron sub-library but also of the proton, deuteron, triton, and helium sub-libraries. This is due to an inadequate NJOY input. MCNP reads particle production data in the official ACE files as gamma production data incorrectly and produces wrong secondary gammas. It is noted that the official ACE files in the latest TENDL-2017 still have these problems except for those of main nuclei, which have been revised based on our study.