※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Fukushima $$^{137}$$Cs releases dispersion modelling over the Pacific Ocean; Comparisons of models with water, sediment and biota data

太平洋における福島第一原子力発電所事故起源$$^{137}$$Csの拡散シミュレーション; 海水,堆積物,海産生物データのモデル間比較

Peri$'a$$~n$ez, R.*; Bezhenar, R.*; Brovchenko, I.*; Jung, K. T.*; 上平 雄基   ; Kim, K. O.*; 小林 卓也 ; Liptak, L.*; Maderich, V.*; Min, B. I.*; Suh, K. S.*

Peri$'a$$~n$ez, R.*; Bezhenar, R.*; Brovchenko, I.*; Jung, K. T.*; Kamidaira, Yuki; Kim, K. O.*; Kobayashi, Takuya; Liptak, L.*; Maderich, V.*; Min, B. I.*; Suh, K. S.*


A number of marine radionuclide dispersion models were applied to simulate $$^{137}$$Cs releases from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident in 2011 over the northwest Pacific. Simulations extended over two years and both direct releases into the ocean and deposition of atmospheric releases on the ocean surface were considered. Dispersion models included an embedded biological uptake model (BUM). Three types of BUMs were used: equilibrium, dynamic and allometric. Model results were compared with $$^{137}$$Cs measurements in water, sediment and biota. A reasonable agreement in model/model and model/data comparisons was obtained.



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分野:Environmental Sciences



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