Decision-making process on site selection for the deep geological repository of high-level radioactive waste; As an example of Switzerland and United Kingdom
Osawa, Hideaki
; Hirose, Yukio*; Onuma, Susumu*; Otomo, Shoji*
We compared site selection process by a voluntarism and partnership approach in UK, and that by screening based primarily on technical criteria with the main emphasis on safety in Switzerland, by document review. The voluntarism and partnership approach in UK is based on the ethical consideration that fairness in siting facilities could only be achieved by the enhancement of well-being and public acceptability based on a willingness to participate and a right to withdraw from a siting process. On the other hand, it could be interpreted that the screening approach with the main emphasis on safety in Switzerland would be based on the concept of the ignorance of veil, hypothesized that people would accept the decision if they consent the decision way beforehand under condition everyone could be involved in as a potential interest party.