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Standardization of a three-dimensional modeling method for a reactor building

西田 明美  ; 崔 炳賢  ; 塩見 忠彦; Li, Y. 

Nishida, Akemi; Choi, B.; Shiomi, Tadahiko; Li, Y.


With the development of computational methods in engineering and advanced computer technologies, three-dimensional modeling based on actual shapes are possible in structural analysis; in recent years, this method has been utilized in various applications, such as stress and response analyses. Three-dimensional models are also being used for reactor buildings to support earthquake resistance evaluations, among others. However, the quality of the three-dimensional model depends on the analyst, and confirming the validity of the obtained result is a challenge because of the difficulty of performing full scale experiments for the reactor building. Based on these situations, JAEA has started the R&D to standardize the method of constructing the three-dimensional model of the reactor building. The outline of this standardization approach is shown in this presentation.



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